To have known Julia is to know how reluctant she was to have a charity named after her. She never craved the spotlight. But Julia was determined to leverage her cancer for the good of others. A vision was born.

Our first research allocation went to The Center for Cancer Innovation, a promising new venture between the University of Washington and the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Our first benevolence allocation went to a local Bellingham resident battling breast cancer. Julia’s vision had launched. These humble beginnings foreshadowed the tens of thousands of dollars to come, furthering cancer research and helping families in the fight.

We’ve all been touched by cancer in some way, either as a patient or walking with a loved one as a caregiver. And the statistics point to the need for more cancer charities to get involved. The National Cancer Institute estimates there will be approximately 1.8 million new cancer cases this year in the United States alone. Cancer doesn’t take a year off. Neither should we.
How can you help? Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Also, by giving generously and wearing your support, you help us advance Julia’s vision to end cancer and assist families in the battle right now.
Together we can make a difference!